TortureConspiracyAttempted murder She is the secondary antagonist of God of War: Ascension. Sisters of Fate (Lahkesis, Atropos & Clotho) | After which, Tisiphone retreated. Shortly after killing Megaera, Kratos enters a small temple occupied by the King of Sparta, who shows his respect to Kratos and compliments him on his work for Sparta. The Furies then placed the eyes in a lantern of the Statue of Apollo so no Olympian can learn of their plans. Tisiphone is one of the Erinyes or Furies, and the sister of the two Furies Alecto and Megaera. N/A Typhon | During the war against the Primordials, all the negativity created the Furies. Stone Talos | One of her more gruesome feats in the epic is to drive the hero, Tydeus, to cannibalism. godofwar3 Guide. The Furies (Megaera, Tisiphone/Daimon & Alecto) | Pollux & Castor | Hercules | Tisiphone and Megaera hold Orkos in place as Alecto captures Kratos and takes him to be tortured within the prison of Aegeon the Hecatonchires. Máttugr Helson, Others Sea Snake | Disappointed by his son, Ares disowned him. Disciples of Ares | Cerberus | Arms of Hades | Deimos | Alecto, Tisiphone and Megaera unite but they are stopped by the appearance of Orkos, who saves Kratos by teleporting them to a separate part of the statue. Ares, God of War Comics God of War: Ascension Tisiphone used multiple illusions to kill Kratos, but Kratos was able to break through the illusions thanks to the Eyes of Truth that he snatched from Alecto. Tisiphone ist eine der drei Furien und die Schwester von Alecto und Mageira. She also, in all likelihood, has more powerful illusions than her sisters. She was the one who punished crimes of murder: parricide, fratricide, and homicide. Both sisters use their powers to their fullest; Alecto morphs into a giant sea-monster while Tisiphone creates an illusion of being at sea, beside a whirlpool, and uses her pet to attack Kratos constantly. Despite this, Orkos' mothers decided to make him into an Oathkeeper. Tisiphone is the secondary antagonist in the videogame God of War Ascension. She was known as the Fury of the Mind, making her able to cast such powerful illusions on her victims. Tisiphone is one of the Furies or Erinyes in Greek mythology. But Kratos managed to kill Daimon. While slashing him, she stated that their "special time" together was interrupted by her sister Alecto and that she was never one with manners. Perses | However, when Alecto arrived and trapped Kratos with a black slime, Tisiphone appeared beside her, revealing that Kratos only killed an illusion of her. So the four formed a partnership, and eventually a romantic relationship. Kratos then proceeded by punching Tisiphone to death. The Dissenter | Tisiphone took the appearance of the King of Sparta. With Daimon near him, Kratos managed to rip out the Oath Stone of Orkos out of Daimon's chest. Upon encountering Orkos in Delphi, Kratos is informed that the Furies were once fair in their judgment and punishment, but became ruthless because of Ares, the God of War, who convinced the Furies to help him conspire against Olympus. Revenant | As Megaera is thrown off the Statue, Kratos attacks Tisiphone head-on, supposedly killing her when he impales her on a spike. ImmortalityFlightIllusionsSummoningTeleportationMagic masterySuperhuman staminaRadiant flamesReality alteration Kratos ended Tisiphone and her illusions by snapping her neck. Kratos is then subdued by the third Fury, Alecto, and it is revealed that Tisiphone is still alive; the Tisiphone that Kratos had killed was just another illusion. After Alecto, and Ares gave birth to Orkos, Ares and the Furies decided to train him to be a powerful warrior that can bring down the very walls of Olympus. Colossus of Rhodes | Appears in Persephone, God Of War After confronting Alecto and Tisiphone, Kratos is thrown into battle against the two remaining Furies. Herself Ceryx, God Of War II Member of the Furies But Kratos quickly saw through Tisphone's illusions and continued to choke her. The illusion ceases as the King is revealed to be Tisiphone, who promptly flees from Kratos to a separate part of the Prison. The first one they capture was a Titan named; Aegaeon. Para ello lo encarcelan en una prisióndel tamaño de un titán, donde el espartano tendrá que cargar con el peso de sus actos. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Alecto, the Fury Queen, and Ares conceived a child who they hoped would aid them in their mission to bring down Olympus. Vengeful Deity, FlightIllusionsSummoningTeleportationMagic masterySuperhuman staminaRadiant flamesReality alteration. Callisto | Wraiths | Griffin | 「【GOW】ゴッド・オブ・ウォー」の攻略Wikiです。みんなでゲームを盛り上げる攻略まとめWiki・ファンサイトですので、編集やコメントなどお気軽にどうぞ! 最新のiPhone&Android用スマートフォン向け無料ゲームアプリをご紹介! Female Kratos eventually found out that it was only an illusion made by Tisiphone because Tisiphone was wearing a ring that belonged to his deceased wife. Elemental Talos | Theseus | Sie ist diejenige, die Verbechen des Mordes bestraft. Hydra | Plague | Tisífone, junto con las otras dos Furias, son las encargadas de sentenciar a Kratos por el asesinato de su esposa e hija. Some time after Kratos killed his family and swore his revenge on the God of War, The Furies tried to do everything in their powers to keep Kratos' Blood Oath with Ares. She sent out Daimon to kill Kratos. Some after Alecto failed to attempt Kratos to rejoin the God of War, both Alecto and Tisiphone teamed up to confront the Ghost of Sparta. She even took the form of Kratos himself, before he became the Ghost of Sparta, telling him that he lost everything because of his own actions. Geryon | Morpheus | Location She is the secondary antagonist of God of War: Ascension. Basilisk | They three found that Ares also seeked to overthrow Zeus and the Olympians. So Ares sent the Furies to intervene. After Megaera had her right arm cut off, Tisiphone, along with her pet; Daimon arrived to assist her. Medusa | Argos | After Alecto was weaken, Tisiphone tried to defend her sister. She one of The Furies and is the Goddess of Vengeance. But they quickly found out that Orkos had little to no bloodlust in his body. Having had enough, Kratos then kills Tisiphone by breaking her neck. However, the child, Orkos, was considered weak by Ares and was thus disowned. Years later as Zeus and the Gods of Olympus came to power, the Furies became power hungry, and seeked to overthrow the Olympians. Goddess of VengeanceFury of the Mind Modi | Kratos' Ghost | Later on in the game, after Kratos has reassembled the Statue of Apollo and entered the Lantern, which contains the Eyes of Truth, he encounters the three Furies once more. Chimera | God of War 3 en 3DJuegos: Bueno pues esta info creo que es nueva y espero que os interese. While Kratos was chasing Megaera, the one-armed Fury stated that her sisters were kinder to Kratos than she is. Persian Army | Hera | Tisiphone then summons her pet, Daimon, to help in the fight against the Spartan. Kratos attempted to attack the Furies, each one managed to steal one of Kratos items, with Tisiphone and Daimon stealing the Oath Stone of Orkos. The Gates that separate Tartarus and the Pit of Tartarus are named after her. Gorgons | Once he's caught up with Tisiphone, she orders her pet to attack Kratos again, but this only allows him to retrieve the Oath Stone of Orkos within the beast. fell on Gaia when the son of Uranus, Cronus, killed him. Type of Villain Just as the Furies were about to imprisoned Kratos, Orkos arrived and teleported him and Kratos far from his mothers. The second time she says it though is when Megaera joins her. Current status When the room is cleared of … God of War: Ascension. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. However, she formed an illusion to become Lysandra, briefly stopping Kratos.
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