4 chill, chilliness, coldness, frigidity, frostiness, iciness, inclemency. What a cold, unfeeling woman she was..., `Send her away,' Eve said in a cold, hard voice. If it is cold, or if a place is cold, the temperature of the air is very low. Cold-blooded animals have a body temperature that changes according to the surrounding temperature. Rinse the vegetables under cold running water..., He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold..., Your dinner's getting cold. Busque very cold y muchas más palabras en el diccionario Reverso de sinónimos en inglés . ...the first major crisis of the post-Cold War era. I was freezing cold..., I'm hungry, I'm cold and I've nowhere to sleep. Mejores sinónimos de cold (frases) son common cold, cold weather y ice cream. If you say that a slightly encouraging fact or event is cold comfortto someone, you mean that it gives them little or no comfort because their situation is so difficult or unpleasant. 3 alive, animated, caring, compassionate, conscious, demonstrative, emotional, friendly, loving, open, passionate, responsive, spirited, sympathetic, warm. If something such as food is put in cold storage, it is kept in an artificially cooled place in order to preserve it. Mira nuestro tesauro para aprender los sinónimos y antónimos de very cold en inglés; encuentra las traducciones en español de cada palabra y sus opuestos. He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones. Cold turkey is the unpleasant physical reaction that people experience when they suddenly stop taking a drug that they have become addicted to. If someone makes a cold call, they telephone or visit someone they have never contacted, without making an appointment, in order to try and sell something. If someone makes a cold call, they telephone or visit someone they have never contacted, without making an appointment, in order to try and sell something. 1 balmy, heated, hot, mild, sunny, warm. cold-blooded. Thecommon cold is a mild illness. The Cold War was the period of hostility and tension between the Soviet bloc and the Western powers that followed the Second World War. Dicionário Colaborativo     Inglês Thesaurus, Para recusar esta entrada, por favor, adicione seus comentários (má tradução/definição, entrada repetida…), Dicionário de informática espanhol inglês, Grátis: Aprenda inglês, francês e outras línguas, Reverso Documents: Tradução de documentos, Todos os sinônimos do nosso dicionário de inglês. If it is cold, or if a place is cold, the temperature of the air is very low. Mejores sinónimos para be cold (otras palabras para be cold) son get cold, get chilly y be distant. Antonyms. Cold-blooded animals have a body temperature that changes according to the surrounding temperature. The Cold War was the period of hostility and tension between the Soviet bloc and the Western powers that followed the Second World War. The form cold-shoulder is used for the verb. `I'll see you in the morning,' Hugh said coldly. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo. a hard one - aloof - arctic - Arctic char - bad cold - benumbed - bise - biting - bitterly - bitterly cold - bleak - blue - blue with cold - bora - brr - catch a cold - chapped - charcuterie - chill - chilled - chilled to the marrow - chilliness - chilly - coat - cold as ice - cold buffet - cold chisel - cold cut - cold shower - cold snap - cold spell - cold store - cold tablet - cold turkey - cold wave - common cold - cool - cool color - coryza - crisp … If you describe something as ice-cold, you are emphasizing that it is very cold. If you say that someone is a cold fish, you think that they are unfriendly and unemotional. If you say that a slightly encouraging fact or event is cold comfortto someone, you mean that it gives them little or no comfort because their situation is so difficult or unpleasant. If you catch cold, or catch a cold, you become ill with a cold. arctic, biting, bitter, bleak, brumal, chill, chilly, cool, freezing, frigid, frosty, frozen, gelid, harsh, icy, inclement, parky, benumbed, chilled, chilly, freezing, frozen to the marrow, numbed, shivery, affectless, aloof, apathetic, cold-blooded, dead, distant, frigid, glacial, indifferent, inhospitable, lukewarm, passionless, phlegmatic, reserved, spiritless, standoffish, stony, undemonstrative, unfeeling, unmoved, unresponsive, unsympathetic, chill, chilliness, coldness, frigidity, frostiness, iciness, inclemency, alive, animated, caring, compassionate, conscious, demonstrative, emotional, friendly, loving, open, passionate, responsive, spirited, sympathetic, warm, barbarous, brutal, callous, cruel, dispassionate, heartless, inhuman, merciless, pitiless, ruthless, savage, steely, stony-hearted, unemotional, unfeeling, unmoved, caring, charitable, civilized, concerned, emotional, feeling, friendly, humane, involved, kind, kind-hearted, merciful, open, passionate, sensitive, warm, callous, detached, frigid, hardhearted, harsh, heartless, indifferent, inhuman, insensitive, stony-hearted, uncaring, unfeeling, unkind, unsympathetic, callousness, chilliness, coldness, detachment, flintiness, frigidity, frigidness, hardheartedness, harshness, heartlessness, indifference, inhumanity, insensitiveness, insensitivity, mercilessness, pitilessness, steeliness, stony-heartedness, unfeelingness, unkindness, unresponsiveness, arctic, biting, bitter, chilled to the bone or marrow, freezing, frozen, glacial, icy, raw, refrigerated, shivering. She complained about the coldness of his hands. He must have come inside to get out of the cold..., His feet were blue with cold. 4 chill, chilliness, coldness, frigidity, frostiness, iciness, inclemency. Sinónimo ice inglés, significado, diccionario inglés de sinónimos, consulte también 'ice-cold',incest',incense',icy', ejemplos, conjugación Puede completar los sinónimos de cold propuestos por el diccionario Reverso de sinónimos en inglés consultando otros diccionarios especializados en sinónimos de palabras en inglés: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase, Merriam Webster, Longman... Diccionario Inglés-Sinónimos: traducir en Sinónimos con nuestros diccionarios en línea. Something that is cold has a very low temperature or a lower temperature than is normal or acceptable. A cold trail or scent is one which is old and therefore difficult to follow. A cold person does not show much emotion, especially affection, and therefore seems unfriendly and unsympathetic. If someone's voice is cold, they speak in an unfriendly unsympathetic way. Even her own party considered her shrewish and nagging, and cold-shouldered her in the corridors. If you are in a cold sweat, you are sweating and feel cold, usually because you are very afraid or nervous. You should refuse to meet anyone who cold calls with an offer of financial advice. Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede., ...the cold blue light from a streetlamp. Mejores sinónimos de arrogant (relacionado con cold) son stiff, remote y distant. A cold snap is a short period of cold and icy weather. Even her own party considered her shrewish and nagging, and cold-shouldered her in the corridors. It was bitterly cold..., The house is cold because I can't afford to turn the heat on..., This is the coldest winter I can remember. 1 balmy, heated, hot, mild, sunny, warm. She complained about the coldness of his hands. Cold sores are small sore spots that sometimes appear on or near someone's lips and nose when they have a cold. A cold frame is a wooden frame with a glass top in which you grow small plants to protect them from cold weather. 3. to begin or do something without planning, preparation, or practice. She had worked as a call centre operator making cold calls for time-share holidays. Cold weather or low temperatures can be referred to as thecold. a. Within quarter of an hour the coldness of the night had gone. Cold colours or cold light give an impression of coldness. If you describe someone as ice-cold, you are emphasizing that they do not allow their emotions to affect them or that they lack feeling and friendliness. He must have come inside to get out of the cold..., His feet were blue with cold. But when Gough looked to Haig for support, he was given the cold shoulder. Sinónimos y antónimos de very cold. Cold food, such as salad or meat that has been cooked and cooled, is not intended to be eaten hot. Hillsden took a sip of tea, but it was stone cold. If you have a cold, you have a mild, very common illness which makes you sneeze a lot and gives you a sore throat or a cough. If someone is out cold, they are unconscious or sleeping very heavily. If you are cold, your body is at an unpleasantly low temperature. A cold frame is a wooden frame with a glass top in which you grow small plants to protect them from cold weather.
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