Ich lebe seit Januar 2008 in Costa Rica, seit 2013 sogar ganz offiziell, mit Aufenthaltsbewilligung und alles was dazu gehört. von Dani Schenker | 11.11.2016 | Reisen | 0 Kommentare. Und so weiter. To its front runs a paved road which connected the surrounding settlements, with it as far as 9km. As of 2020 no studies conducted using LIDAR have been made. [4][5], Following an 1891 excavation of a cemetery, near over 100 artifacts were displayed at the 1892 Historical American Exposition in Madrid and then much of the display was taken to the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. Eine Anreise aus San José ist schlichtweg zu weit, da du auf diese Weise fast nur im Auto sitzt. It is almost directly in the center of the country on the Southern slope of the Turrialba Volcano. Some of the most prevalent explorers throughout the history of excavating for this site include Anastacio Alfaro, Carlos Aguilar, Oscar Fonseca, and Sergio Chávez. In der Region um Turrialba kannst du mehrere Wasserfälle besuchen, kannst typisch costa-ricanisches Essen geniessen, du kannst in Fischzuchten fischen und dir deinen Fang zubereiten lassen. In diesem Beitrag berichten wir über einen Besuch im Park. Las investigaciones han relevado que este sitio arqueológico estuvo ocupado desde el año 1000 antes de Cristo hasta el 1400 después de Cristo. Uns geht es genau so. Neben einer umfassenden Speisekarte bietet das Restaurant auch ein kleines Schwimmbad an. Although, there is speculation that it might have had to do with something like disease or rival civilizations. It also helps that unlike other sites such as Machu Picchu where it gets over half a million visitors each year, Guayabo de Turrialba does not receive nearly as many visitors because it is not as popular so it is easier to maintain. Die runden Steinhaufen sollen hingegen die Basen für grössere Hütten gewesen sein. Das Essen ist typisch costa-ricanisch und wer das mag, der ist damit gut bedient. Das Restaurant San Martín befindet sich etwa 200m nach dem Ortseingang auf der linken Seite und verfügt über einen ausreichend grossen Parkplatz. The tombs and petroglyphs were excavated by archaeologists in 1963 and show small insights into their rites and beliefs in both political and religious contexts. In vielen Costa Rica Guides oder Artikeln über Guayabo wird der Schmetterlinggarten erwähnt, der nur einige hundert Meter unterhalb des Monumento Nacional zu finden ist. Der Park ist ein beliebter Ausflugsort bei … In 2009, Guayabo was declared an "International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark" by the American Society of Civil Engineers because of its roads, walls and water channels represent remarkable civil engineering achievements by pre-Columbian civilization. El sitio arqueológico de Guayab… Kosten für Eintritt: 5$ (Einheimische 1000 Colones). It has been open to the public since August 13, 1973. There have been plenty of studies done on Guayabo that even use today's technologies, such as a study done a couple years ago that executed some remote sensing techniques to detect and map the roads in the region. Se organiza en el distrito de Santa Teresita del Cantón de Turrialba y tiene un lugar en el territorio de Cartago en Costa Rica, a unos 85 km de San José y del Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica. Architecturally, back in the day, the main building probably served as both a symbol as well as a place to conduct public business. A lot of the artifacts found when excavating, such as the stones and petroglyphs, represented animals such as jaguars and lizards. Leider ist es jedoch so, dass es dort schon seit ca. That is considered the most impressive finding at the site. Studies have shown that the people of Guayabo did most of their own work although there is some data suggesting slavery may have been practiced. Du möchtest Costa Rica gerne kennen lernen und hierher reisen? The people of Guayabo were known to be well aware of good engineering, which can be assumed by their use of aqueducts. It has been estimated that there were about 10,000 people who were residents. Formalmente, es una clase de organización responsable del Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación, del Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía; bajo la asociación del Área de Conservación de Montaña Volcánica Central. Guayabo National Monument (Spanish: Monumento Nacional Guayabo), is located near the city of Turrialba, within the Central Conservation Area in the Cartago Province, Costa Rica. To be more specific, the magnitude of the known part of the site, presumed to be its central portion, consists of 43 stone foundations, three aqueducts, two major roadways, dozens of smaller paths, and some stone tombs. One mound in particular, Mound 1, stands out as it is the largest one of this culture and it is located in the center of the village. Warum sollte frisches Quellwasser so sehr gereinigt werden? Meinen Lebensunterhalt verdiene ich mit diversen Internetdienstleistungen. These were probably guardhouses that flank the road at this point and would have controlled access to the settlement. Jedoch gibt es zahlreiche Theorien darüber, welche Funktion die Konstruktionen hatten. Während die Grundmauern der Hütten relativ gut vorstellbar sind, so werfen die anderen Konstruktionen umso mehr Fragen auf. [7], "Guayabo" redirects here. It is now protected within the Guayabo National Monument and is also a part of the Central Volcania Conservation Area. One can hike around the trails and observed the structures or tour it with a professional guide. Mit einer unverbindlichen Offerte für deine massgeschneiderte Costa Rica Reise. This page was last edited on 12 November 2020, at 23:32. Reise buchen. Die Endstation vom Guayabo Bus liegt circa 300m vom Eingang zum Park entfernt.
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