Lizards are very common everywhere in the world and they can be of neutral colors like in Europe but they can also be colorful like in South America. Ver más ideas sobre animales en ingles, vocabulario en ingles, inglés para niños. There are many wild animals that have Africa as their home. After all, «there’s plenty of fish in the sea». Lions, hyenas and cheetahs are predators and they hunt herbivores for food. What's this show about? Las oraciones en los carteles contienen al menos cuatro oraciones (dos por cada animal) describiendo las partes de sus cuerpos utilizando “have” o “has”. A What's it about? Instrucciones Estudia las palabras de este color.Haz clic en cada palabra para escuchar el audio y repetir la pronunciación. The elephant is the biggest land animal. Some people think they are scary but they were loved in Ancient Egypt. They are hardly ever among people’s favorite animals, perhaps because some of them can be dangerous for human beings, like snakes. 3. ... Nombres y sonidos de animales salvajes, animales de granja se transforman en animales salvajes. Only female lions hunt while male lions protect their territory. Descripción. The fly very high and can also reach high speed when they nosedive. Tema: descripción de animales. The bat is the only mammal that flies and like owls, they are nocturnal animals. Crocodiles are the largest reptiles and they live in tropical rivers all around the world. The ant is the most common insect and they live together in huge colonies with thousands of ants in each. The bat is the only mammal that flies and like owls, they are nocturnal animals. En ella encontramos muchos adjetivos y comparativos. Other breeds of buffaloes live in North America and Asia. Penguins are birds which don’t fly and live half their lives underwater. Una descripción es un texto donde nos dedicamos a dar cuales son los atributos físicos y cualidades de alguna persona, cosa o individuo, en este caso. They are also known as wild pigs. Amphibians are animals that live no earth but also underwater, like frogs. Wasps are yellow and black. In popular stories, crows or cravens are the messengers of bad news. B It's a reality show. Descripción de 10 animales en inglés: 1. Miden entre 2 y 9 metros de largo, Su cabeza es grande, su boca alargado y tiene un hueco en la parte superior de la cabeza por donde respira Ellos son carnvoros. Only female mosquitoes sting and take blood. The macaw is a bird, subspecies of the parrots that has the characteristic of having a long tail. 2. Kangaroos live neither in Africa nor in Asia. On the other hand, hippos love water and they spend most of the day having a bath. 2. Tiene un pico grande que le permite comer tanto frutas como nueces. Ellos son animales muy inteligentes probablemente los mas inteligentes animales que habitan el planeta. 2. They are so special! 1. 02-jun-2019 - Explora el tablero de Montse M gmail "DESCRIPCIÓN DE ANIMALES" en Pinterest. Giraffes are very popular animals because of their long, long neck. Where is this I Descripción de un animal en Ingles: Macaw. En este vídeo les haré una descripción en ingles de mis animales salvajes favoritos. 38 Vistas. They migrate every year, covering thousands of kilometers. Some spiders are venomous and can be lethal. nternet celebrity from? They do it because they need it to make their eggs. Flies are not lethal but they can be very numerous in the summer, especially in hot climates. Bees are orange and black and they are the ones to produce delicious honey. Eagles are the predators of the sky and they are also the symbol of the USA. 4. Pigeons like living in cities and there are many of them. Insects or bugs are very small animals that live everywhere. Los campos requeridos están marcados *. Do you know what he likes to watch on TV? Actividades interactivas e imprimibles con ejercicios de reforzamiento para trabajar en el área de ciencias con niños de 2do grado de educación primaria. 3. B It's about celebrities who do volunteer work. What does he like to watch on TV? Nowadays, we can see many seagulls living in harbors. Ver más ideas sobre descripcion de animales, animales, fichas de animales. A Is there anything good on TV tonight? They are very intelligent and they have very good memory, too. La descripción de los animales contiene adjetivos y partes del cuerpo que corresponden a los animales seleccionados. Bats are scary for many people because of Dracula stories. Where is the remote control?Do you know? Sharks are the predators of the sea and many people are scared of being attacked by a shark when they are swimming in the sea, especially in places like South Africa and Australia. Flamingos are very special birds because they are pink. Aprende cómo se procesan los datos de tus comentarios. Pigeons or doves are also the symbol of peace.
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