Accepted: 05/12/2011. and f Department of Biology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2V1N4, Canada Accepted 10 January 1985 SUMMARY UNESPAR - Universidade Estadual do Paraná, Campus Paranaguá Rua Comendador Correia Junior 117, Centro, CEP 83203-560 Paranaguá PR * Cardisoma guanhumi in Puerto Rico spend much of the dry season in burrows that descend to groundwater Burrows are sometimes 3-4 m deep and may be capped with dried mud for over 3 mo. Samples of gas and water from burrows at three locations … Researcher, Institu-to Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC). Ventilation, circulation and their interactions in the land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi Cardisoma guanhumi burrows were observed (Moraes-Costa & Schwamborn 2018). While some studies suggest overexploitation and pesticides as causing the observed population declines, the effect of land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes have not been investigated. Modified: 05/12/2011. PDF | This document is WEC 30, one of a series of the Dept. Carlos Carmona-Suárez. Local distribution and abundance of Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, 1928 (Brachyura: Gecarcinidae) in southern Brazil Oliveira-Neto, JF. of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, UF/IFAS Extension. The land crab Cardisoma guanhumi populations have been on the decline in Puerto Rico for the last three decades. KEYWORDS / Brachyura / Cardisoma guanhumi / Crustacea / Land Blue Crab / Population Status / Venezuela / Received: 09/26/2011. Additionally to the mangrove tree species R. mangle and C. erectus, typical beach vegetation also occurred at the sampling sites, such as Terminalia catappa and Syzygium cumini, … Ph.D. in Zoology, University of Vienna, Austria. *, Batista, E., Metri, R. and Metri, CB. INTERACTIONS IN THE LAND CRAB, CARDISOMA GUANHUMI BY WARREN BURGGREN*, ALAN PINDER*, BRIAN McMAHONf, MICHELE WHEATLYf ANt MICHAED L DOYLE* * Department of Zoology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-0027, U.SA.
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