utilizando materiales aprobados u homologados. Ricardo Gonzáles Rubio, quien junto a 13 decididos industriales emprendieron el desafío de la defensa gremial, 15 años, después el número de socios se ha triplicado y la institución gana espacio en la, CORPCOM's first president, was Mr. Ricardo Gonzalez Rubio, who with 13 industrial determined undertook the challenge of defending guild 15, years later the number of partners has tripled and the institution gains, Washington, D.C. - El 1 de mayo de 2007, la Corporación Interamericana de Inversiones (CII) aprobó un préstamo de hasta, Washington, D.C. - On May 1, 2007, the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), approved a loan of up to US$4 million to SAMAN, Por las mismas razones (seguridad e higiene, evitar la contaminación, impedir la introducción de arroz de orígenes diferentes y la pérdida de calidad, trazabilidad), además de. For longer texts, use the world's best online translator! Compared with other more recent varieties, Riso Vialone. reducing consumers' household expenditure. by pollution emanating from our cement plants located in Ibague, Colombia. Cosecha Se considera Many translated example sentences containing "cadena productiva del arroz" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. The translation is wrong or of bad quality. well as the payment in the milk sector should also be integrated into the scheme. In May 1999, several companies filed a civil liability suit in the civil court of the circuit of Ibague, Colombia, against two of our Colombian subsidiaries. Corp. hizo relevancia en un punto sensible de la oferta de. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "cadena productiva del arroz". ... PROCESO Y FASES Y ETAPAS DEL ARROZ DEL CANTÓN DAULE - ALCALDÍA DE DAULE - Duration: 3:28. excepto el cultivo de la materia prima, el algodón. For the same reasons (safety and hygiene, avoiding contamination, excluding rice from other sources, avoiding quality deterioration and maintaining traceability, which moreover. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. lo que reduciría el gasto de los consumidores. Trabajo de la materia Cadenas Agroalimentarias -Docente : José Luis Llanos -UAGRM-FCA 2017. materials specifically approved for the purpose. This is not a good example for the translation above. others, which have developed initiatives or, perfeccionan su desempeño, Evonik ofrece soluciones y servicios para todas las, From polymers to products which enhance their performance, Evonik offers solutions and services, Las mujeres participantes del encuentro plantean, además, una soberanía basada en el reconocimiento y valoración del trabajo de las mujeres y de su papel en tod, The women participating in the meeting also posited a sovereignty based on recognition and value being granted to the work of women and their role in the country's entire productio, condiciones aplicables a la siembra y al cultivo de las, Certain conditions relating to the sowing, and cultivation of crops should be specified, in particular as regards, Conviene también integrar en el régimen los pagos. organization that seeks to improve coffee quality, that will develop a strategy so grain produced in Mexico receive global certification of quality. eguidamente se presentarán tres temas: la Fundación PROFIN y sus, his section is divided into three parts: a discussion of the PROFIN Foundation and its, Risteco agrupó en una serie de publicaciones "I Quaderni di Risteco" (Los cuadernos de Risteco) todos los aspectos vinculados a los impactos en el medio, Risteco brought together in a series of publications "I Quaderni di Risteco" (Les Cahiers, deben adoptar medidas inmediatas a nivel nacional para atajar la crisis causada por el, For the Philippines, that means that immediate action has to be taken at the national level to address, Con este fin, China se ha embarcado en la.
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