Figure 2 Bothrops asper (family Viperidae) is the most important snake from the medical standpoint in Central America. Without treatment, the fatality rate is estimated to be about 7%, but with an appropriate antivenom therapy, it can be reduced to 0.5−3%. 2:23. Bothrops asper inflicts the majority of snakebites in Central America and in the northern regions of South America, mostly affecting young agricultural workers in rural settings. Guayaquil, Ecuador; EduQuil 5. In this regard, the most important species are Bothrops asper (Central America and northern South America), Bothrops atrox (tropical lowlands of northern South America east of the Andes) and Bothrops jararaca (southern Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina). 2019. This species is capable of provoking severe envenomings associated with local and systemic manifestations. The degree of necrosis is sufficiently severe that some form of surgical amputation above the knee would have been inevitable. Serpiente gergona en Tingo María Perú - Duration: 3:03. Medicina Tropical 4ta edición. Fer-de-lance / Terciopelo (Bothrops asper) - Duration: 2:23. It is distributed in the humid tropicallowlands and provokes the majority of cases, and the most serious ones. Its large body size, relative abundance and cryptic habits contribute to the high incidence of snakebites induced by this species throughout its distribution. The terciopelo Bothrops asper is the only lancehead species widely distributed in the humid lowlands of Middle America and northwestern South America. Ecuador FERNÁNDEZ RONQUILLO T. E. (2014). administraci6n intramuscular de antiveneno es recomendada luego de una mordedura por un adulto de Bothrops asper y cuando el tiempo de Ilegada a una facilidad de tratamiento medico es mayor que cuatro horas. B. rhombeatus nested within several clades of B. asper in a phylogenomic study by Salazar‐Valenzuela et al. El aparato de succi6n Extractor (Aspivenin) puede ser de alguna ayuda, pero incisiones, bandas constrictoras y choques electricos no deben ser usados. Extensive tissue necrosis of the lower limb in an 11-year-old boy who had been bitten two weeks earlier by a Bothrops asper (viper) in Ecuador. MORDEDURA DE SERPIENTE (ACCIDENTE OFIDICO) ... (caiçaca) - Bothrops jararacussu (jararacuzu) - Bothrops alternatus (urutu cruzeiro) - Bothrops atrox - Bothrops asper (serpiente X, X rabo de hueso, X rabo fino, X pachona) - Bothrops atrox (pitalala, jergón, hoja podrida). It is also responsible for the majority of fatalcases in the region. Christian Alessandro Perez 13,851 views. FOLLECO-FERNANDEZ 2010 revalidated Bothrops rhombeatus GARCIA 1896, but Ramírez-Chaves & Solari 2014 declared the name unavailable, based on the lack of a type specimen and its uncertain status, and suspect that it may be a synonym of B. asper.
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